Hello! Community Forward Redlands is an independent digital news source for Redlands, CA

Our community-first, hyper-local news approach provides you with access to quality journalism. Community Forward is run by Redlanders, for the Redlands community.

Here’s why you should subscribe:

  • It’s free. We use digital-only platforms (email newsletters, social media, push notifications if you have the substack app) to modernize how you take in local news. It also helps keep costs down so we can provide access for free.

  • We amplify community voices. It’s our priority to report on local public policy and development stories before decisions are made. This way you’ll clearly understand what's happening so you can make your voice heard.

  • We provide regular in-depth local journalism. These stories are the backbone of what drives Community Forward Redland. These stories pull you in a bit deeper to explore new angles, consider context through data, and gain new perspectives through community voices.

Here’s why you should consider supporting Community Forward Redlands:

Community Forward is an independent news source funded through support from our readers. Whether it’s a one-time donation or a monthly subscription, our paid subscribers sustain the work and allow us to grow.

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If you want to say hello or have a story idea to share drop us a line: communityforwardredlands@gmail.com

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Subscribe to Community Forward Redlands

Redlands independent local news. Community First. Solutions Driven. In-depth reporting on political, social, education, and business news straight to your inbox.


Community journalist, mom x3, rock climber